Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam's pledge given to Engineers in M.I.T., Moradabad

Dr. kalam's Pleadge for Youth in MIT, Moradabad:

Technology is a life time mission, I will work, work, work and succeed.
Where ever I am, Your thoughts will always come to my mind that is: work, process or product I can innovate, invent or discover.
Will you do?
I will always remember that let not my thinking days be spent in vain. Time is precious. I realise I have to set the great technological growth that will lead me to think high, work and persuade to realise the goal.
I firmly believe no problem can defeat me. I can overcome, tackle the problem, defeat the problem and succeed. I work and work for removing the problems faced in the planet yet, in the areas of water, energy and waste management with enjoyment through the application of science and technology. I realise I am as young as my faith, as young and confident as my hope and in whole of my span I will develop faith, self-confidence and hope .
My national flag flies in my heart and I will bring to my nation that difference.